Yuliya Guseva is a Professor of Law at Rutgers Law School. Her research interests include capital markets, securities law, financial regulation, regulation of cryptoassets, fintech, and international business law. Professor Guseva serves as the Director of the Fintech and Blockchain Program of the Rutgers Center for Corporate Law and Governance. Her recent scholarship includes articles published (or accepted for publication) in the Boston College Law Review, the George Washington Law Review, the Journal of Corporation Law, the Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy (peer-reviewed), and other journals. Several of her articles were selected for republication in the Securities Law Review. Together with Professor Carol Goforth, Guseva coauthored the second edition of Regulation of Cryptoassets (West Academic 2022). Guseva served as Rutgers Law School’s Vice Dean in Newark during the transition period from a two-Dean model to a single-Dean governance model in 2022-2023.
Yuliya Guseva is a frequent speaker at conferences, symposia, and other events. She often provides commentary on fintech and crypto and has been quoted in many leading publications, including the Financial Times, Reuters, Fortune Magazine, Bloomberg, The Block, CoinTelegraph, and others.
During her appointment at Rutgers, Guseva was a visiting scholar at Cornell Law School and a visiting professor at Central European University in Vienna, Austria. Prior to joining Rutgers, Professor Guseva was a visiting assistant professor at Fordham Law School, a postdoctoral research fellow at the Program in the Law and Economics of Capital Markets at Columbia Law School, and Kauffman Legal Research Fellow at Columbia Law School.